Hurt By Homebirth

When I was first learning about home birth, I found the site "Hurt By Homebirth." The stories that I read profoundly affected me.

A picture of Shridam, used with permission from his mother

Shridam's Story, as told by his mother Dhanya
Magnus's Story, as told by his mother Sara
Sheppard's Story, as told by his mother Marlo
Angela's Story, as told by her mother Nicole
Grant's Story, as told by his mother Rachel
Zen's Story, as told by his mother Elizabeth
Thomas's Story, as told by his mother Erin
Sam's Story, as told by his parents and his aunt
An update to Sam's story, after he passed away just before his third birthday
Wren's Story, as told by his father Josh
Mary Beth's Story, as told by her mother Bambi
Aquila's Story, as told by her mother Liz

These deaths and injuries were preventable, and these parents have to live with the sorrow of missing their beautiful children.